EXO's Baekhyun's agency, INB100, announced that they have taken legal action to protect their artist from malicious rumors. This was announced by the agency on Monday September 9, 2024.

In the announcement given, INB100 said that they regretted the various evil deeds committed by a handful of individuals. These evil deeds include the spread of false information, insults, and posts and comments containing slander. 

All of these evil deeds were carried out through various online communities, news portals, social media, YouTube, and various other platforms .INB100 also said that through the help of professionals, they have managed to track the IP addresses of these individuals. 

The agency also said that they have taken legal action against several individuals who committed crimes against Baekhyun. Not only stopping there, INB100 also emphasized that they will continue to sue similar perpetrators in the future. They ensure that they will not tolerate those who have taken this path.

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