Influencer and singer Loren Gray has made her Netflix debut with Incoming, a high school comedy. In the film, Loren plays Katrina Aurienna, a popular girl in school. Enthusiastic about her role, Loren Gray prepared herself by watching several drunk scenes from several comedy films. 

In one of these scenes, her character Katrina is seen enjoying Taco Bell excessively after being driven home by her school friends. " For three months, I ate Taco Bell almost every day. After shooting that drunk scene, I haven't touched Taco Bell again. 

In the Taco Bell scene, I'm eating in the back, and we have a ton of burritos. At first I ate them, but I don't like beans, so I have a special bucket on the side to pour the contents out ," said Loren Gray, quoted from MovieWeb on Friday September 6, 2024.

One of the films he mentioned was  Bridesmaids, where he considered the plane scene in the film to be very suitable as a reference. " For the scenes where I had to act drunk, I watched a lot of other comedies where the actors played characters who were high. Bridesmaids was a big reference for me. 

The [plane] scene in that movie was perfect to use as a reference. It's actually a lot harder than you might think to act drunk when you're not ," she said. The Incoming film itself tells the story of four new students who try hard to be accepted in their high school environment. One way is by attending a big party held by senior students.

They go to an after-school party filled with alcohol, drugs, and all sorts of unruly behavior. One of them, Benji, tries to approach a girl he likes. However, the party actually leads Benji and his friends to a worse situation, where their moral values ​​are tested. So, can they get out of the party without getting deeper?

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