Taiwanese actor Greg Hsu is currently undergoing military service. The actor of the film '18x2 Beyond Youthful Days' has just started his national service at the age of 33. Reports about Greg entering military service have not only attracted the attention of fans but also female soldiers. 

It was reported that they were even warned not to disturb him. Greg Hsu or Kuanghan Hsu decided to enlist amidst his popularity. The Korean drama actor 'No Way Out: The Roulette' has recently become increasingly famous through his romantic works. 

It is no wonder that many women want to meet the actor who is also a singer, including fellow soldiers. It was reported that several female soldiers were caught doing various ways to get close to Greg Hsu since his military enlistment date was leaked. 

According to 8days, some even made excuses to be able to come to his training ground and peek at his figure. This has caught the attention of the top brass who have decided to take immediate action. A military leader is said to have asked female colleagues not to come to his office without a clear reason. 

It is said that if they violate, they will not hesitate to be given strict sanctions. The report became a topic of conversation among netizens who had not heard much about similar cases. Some of them understood the female soldiers considering Greg Hsu's popularity as the 'National Boyfriend'. 

Some questioned whether the warning only applied to women. "So, men can see it?" "Men can also be interested in seeing Greg. Everyone should be given the same instructions," Before his military service, Greg reportedly asked his management, Ichi Entertainment, to give him privacy. The 'The Sun' actor hopes to finish his duties in peace.

Greg is scheduled to undergo 21 days of basic training in Taichung before moving to another military division. Taiwanese men generally undergo one year of mandatory military service, so Greg is predicted to return to the entertainment world next year. While on duty, fans can wait by watching his various popular films. One of the most recent ones is GG Precinct.

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