Realme is finally bringing its latest tablet, called the Pad X 5G, to the Chinese market on May 26. The brand has listed the product on its official website, revealing its design and key specifications. The tablet will pack a 120HZ QHD+ display and Snapdragon 870 processor. It will arrive in Blue, Neon, and Black shades, and shall get stylus support.

Realme is broadening its presence across different product ranges, i.e., tablets, smartphones, wearables, and smart TVs. The company's latest teaser with the tagline "king of tablets," claims the Pad X to be the most premium and powerful tablet in its segment. The tablet is also expected to make its Indian debut in June where it will rival tablets from brands like Apple and Samsung.

The Realme Pad X 5G is expected to sport an 11-inch QHD+ (1600x2560 pixels) LCD screen with a 120Hz refresh rate. The tablet will sport a sleek design with thin bezels, flat edges, and a right-aligned front camera when the tablet is held vertically. It shall get a single snapper on the rear panel.

In terms of optics, the Realme Pad X 5G will have a single rear camera as well as only one front-facing selfie snapper. However, the details pertaining to their resolutions are unclear as of now. The tablet is draw power from an 8,360mAh battery that will have support for fast-charging technology.

Under the hood, the Realme Pad X 5G will be backed by a Snapdragon 870 chipset. It may arrive in 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB variants. It is likely to boot the Android 12 operating system. Connectivity options on the tablet should include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a Type-C port.

For pricing and availability, the Realme Pad X 5G is currently available for pre-order in China at ¥99,999 (around Rs. 60,900) and will be launched there on May 26. It will arrive in Neon, Blue, and Black color options. Rumor mills also suggest that the tablet will hit Indian shores in June.

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