Nam Joo Hyuk was recently accused of bullying during his 6 years of schooling. Management SOOP, as management, has finally released an official statement. First reported by The Days News, Nam Joo Hyuk was called bullying when he was in middle and high school. He was accused of joining a gang of bullies containing troubled children. Regarding this news, Management SOOP firmly denied it. 

They also threatened to report those who spread false news about Nam Joo Hyuk to the police. "First of all, we ask for understanding from the public because it will take time to confirm the truth. Regarding the reports circulating, we confirm that the allegations against Nam Joo Hyuk are false. It is regrettable that the media that reported it did not confirm it to us. spread this false news," said Management SOOP. 

"Because the media that reported the news defamed our artist, so we will take this matter to court. We will also take firm action against the perpetrators who accuse Nam Joo Hyuk . We are currently discussing with the legal team and starting the process," he continued. Furthermore, Management SOOP said the news circulating hurt Nam Joo Hyuk and his family. 

At the end of the statement, they hope that the public will stop spreading untrue rumors about the actor. "The real victims of this rumor are our actor and his family. Gossip and online rumors are spread like that. It is very detrimental to see these rumors will tarnish the reputation of our actor, how firmly we deny it," said Management SOOP.

From now on, management will report anyone who spreads rumors that are not confirmed to management first. All perpetrators will face the law directly. We will also report the evidence that we have obtained. In the future, we hope that the public will stop spreading rumors We will continue to monitor and respond promptly," he concluded.

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