Once Upon a Small Town is a South Korean romantic-comedy drama series directed by Kwon Seok-jang and starring Choo Yeong-woo, Park Soo-young, Baek Sung-chul and Jung Suk-yong, together other cast. member. Once Upon a Small Town episode 9 has a runtime of 32 minutes. Once Upon a Small Town Episode 9 Recap Contains Spoiler, Once Upon a Small Town episode 9 begins with Ji-yul confessing to Ja-young.

She does, however, ask him why he's telling her this back then and he makes random excuses not to look insistent. Sang-hyeon, however, asks him who Min is, if not his girlfriend and Ji-yul answers honestly to which Sang-hyeon mentions that he doesn't seem to think so. As the back and forth continues, Ja-young gets frustrated and leaves the men to bicker with each other. 

Back at the house, Ja-young and Min have an awkward conversation about Ji-yul, where Min mentions that he misses Ji-yul and that he made a big mistake by breaking up with her. He enlists Ja-young's support to get back together with him and Ja-young uncomfortably agrees to do so. Meanwhile, Ji-yul wonders why she moved to Huidong while Sang-hyeon looks at the earrings he got for Ja-young, which he never gave her. After all, Min is very friendly with Ja-young and even does her makeup for him. 

It's actually sweet watching Min, he's a good person for a change. They then head to Sang-hyeon's peach farm for coffee where he tells Min to hang out with Ji-yul as soon as possible. Unfortunately for Min, when he gets to the vet clinic, Seon-dong informs him that Ji-yul must like Ja-young and that she always looks up to him. As Ja-young answers questions about makeup, Ji-yul is called in to care for a non-lactating calf and she sends Yun-hyeong to check on a goat with a hernia. 

At the cowshed, Min helps Ji-yul out, and Ja-young looks heartbroken at the sight from afar. Ji-yul catches her looking just in time to see that she's stained her own makeup. He finally washes it off and as the three of them start talking, Min realizes that something is going on between Ji-yul and Ja-young. He looks a bit sad when Ji-yul volunteers to help Ja-young with a problem and realizes that her ex really likes Ja-young, just like Seon-dong told her. 

The three of them head off to pack peach wine where Min catches Ji-yul staring at Ja-young and immediately mentions how Sang-hyeon is really talented and she might just be Ja-young's last love. A jealous Ji-yul tells him that if that's the case then she too is a good candidate to be his last love. Realizing what he just said, Ji-yul starts to stutter and an awkward Ja-young sends her off to stash two boxes of wine. 

Since Ji-yul is so jealous of Sang-hyeon, Min is called inside to taste something, leaving Ji-yul with Ja-young. However, he refuses to make eye contact with her and she follows him into the storage area for a chat which always causes them to stand at such close distances very awkwardly. Ji-yul asks her if she answered Sang-hyeon's question and Ja-young mentions that Min is a really nice person. Ji-yul clears the air that she has no interest in Min and things with him in the past. 

Ja-young said the same about Sang-hyeon. He mentions that it would be nice to date someone who makes his heart flutter and Ji-yul immediately asks if Sang-hyeon has had the same effect on him. Just as they were about to cross that line and finally say what was on their mind, one of the aunties called them out for a snack, effectively breaking the moment. Ja-young, now confused, runs away from the house while Min finds Ji-yul in the storage area looking sad and a bit lost. 

The End of Once Upon a Small Town Episode 9 They get to have a conversation later, where she asks if he's moved to Seoul and that he's taken a job right beside his hospital.  Once he moved and they saw each other often, he would change his mind about them. Just as Ji-yul is about to tell the truth, however, he kisses her suddenly taking her by surprise. Unfortunately for him, Ja-young sees this too and looks heartbroken as Ji-yul looks horrified at the turn of events. 

Once Upon a Small Town Episode 9 Review. Guys, I really like Min – I don't think he's a cunning and heartless ex, but the guy makes my blood boil when people kiss other guys shockingly. This is harassment on another level - it's one thing to try to make something work (which in itself is problematic in this situation), and it's another to forcefully kiss someone when you've been told they're not interested. It's just a different kind of ick. 

Anyway, as usual, it's a pretty interesting and enjoyable episode with a lot of awkwardness between our main characters. It's great to watch Ji-yul and Ja-young search for words when they're together. Once Upon a Small Town is nothing but predictable, but sometimes it's fun to watch the predictability, you know? A good old-fashioned and lighthearted romantic K-drama is sometimes all we need to refresh our minds!

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