Love In The Air Episode 5 tells the story of Rain who is sick because of a forbidden act with Phayu. He also gets a visit from Phayu and treats him in an unnatural way. Then will Rain's mother be suspicious? After the great battle between Rain and Phayu, and the next morning Rain was feverish and sick. 

He went home without telling Phayu. Phayu who was worried tried to call him many times but he didn't pick up. Worried and feeling guilty, he went to see Rain at his house and received information that Rain had a fever. He was also allowed into Rain's room, they greeted each other and Payu gave fever medicine through the anus. 

After that incident, Rain returned to health and carried out his activities as a student. But his always upbeat attitude and smile made Sky suspicious. So finally Sky's suspicions were proven, he who was watching a movie when at the exit accidentally saw Rain and Phayu who were making out like lovers. So they finally dined and gave information that they were dating.

Actually Sky already knew but he wanted Rain to say it right away. Previously, Ple who fell in love with Phayu asked Rain for Phayu's cellphone number. Knowing this, Rain, who initially fell in love with Ple, felt even more guilty and confused. So how did their love relationship end? For those of you who want to watch this currently airing drama. 

You can watch it directly on iQyi by becoming a member. Or you can watch it on the Me Mind Youtube account. Because this drama is a collaboration between Me Mind and GMM 25. Well, that's the synopsis of Love In The Air Episode 5: Jealousy and Falling in Love Again and the storyline and where to watch it. You can also read our previous review of  Love in the Air Episode 4.

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