NewJeans' Hanni is a hot topic in posts on the netter discussion site , the newest Pann. It's not about his achievements, but Hanni being talked about about his body proportions. The post entitled “Hanni's Trapezius Muscle is Too Severe” displays more than 70 thousand comments. 

The uploader of the topic of conversation also included two preview photos showing Hanni's body from the front and back and said that Hanni's body shape was strange, not according to K-Pop idol body standards. Hanni's trapezius, or largest muscle, which is located in the upper back, is considered too prominent and severe enough to make its proportions look "pathetic."

Some even asked that the girl group members have to adjust their muscles and asked the company to provide assistance by providing botox facilities so that Hanni's body would be more proportional. "Are girl group members not working on their trapezius muscles this time? Their company should give them botox or something," wrote one netter. 

Luckily the topic of conversation received an unexpected response. Netizens flocked to defend the 18-year-old teenager. According to K-Netz, there was nothing strange about Hanni's body shape, it was all the influence of the camera and the stage clothes that showed the shoulders she was wearing at that time. 

Netizens also tease other haters who are busy commenting on the appearance of female idols rather than focusing on the achievements they produce. "They can only judge women's bodies and to hate women while they judge and mock every inch of successful and beautiful female idols from head to toe kkkk," said netizens. “They are simply high-minded progressive feminists! But they hate any woman as long as she is beautiful! 

They will judge everything about them and mock them from head to toe~~” “…. Instead of judging female idol bodies, use that time to judge your own body first," commented KNetz. "Why are you so jealous of beautiful celebrities?," said another. Regardless of how an idol's body shape is, fans shouldn't make body-shamming comments. What if we only focus on the talents and achievements that are produced.

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