On Sunday March 12, 2023 local time, Spanish media outlet El País reported on their interview with RM. On this occasion, RM received several questions, especially regarding the K-Pop industry and how the industry works which is controversial in the eyes of the world.

After asking what was missing from RM's youth during his training period before debuting with BTS, El País again asked, "Are the glorification of youth, perfection, and over-training in the K-Pop industry a feature of Korean culture?"

To answer this sensitive topic, RM looked back on South Korea's history, saying, "Korea is a country that has been invaded, destroyed and divided into two. Seventy years ago, there was nothing (in Korea). We should get help from the IMF and the UN. But now the whole world is paying attention to Korea. How is that possible?"

He continued, "It's because people work really hard to improve themselves." He added, "If anyone comes to me saying 'Oh my gosh, you guys are too hard on yourselves. Living in Korea is really hard!' Yeah, that's how we get things done. It's part of what makes K-Pop interesting."

While he is proud of the way South Koreans achieve success, RM does not deny that there are certainly side effects to everything that happens quickly. He said "Of course there is an impact that cannot be separated, anything that happens quickly and is too intense must have side effects."

After RM gave his answer about the tight dynamics of the K-pop industry, El País again asked the singer of "Wild Flower" by saying, "Are you tired of the 'K' label (a label for all things related to Korea)?" In this regard, RM confessed, "You could get tired of Spotify calling us all K-Pop, but it worked really well for us." 

Instead of feeling bored, he actually considered the label to be a legacy to be proud of, "It's like a premium label. It's a guarantee of quality that our ancestors fought for." After reading RM's entire interview, many netizens commented praising the idol's wisdom like, "He is indeed a leader," "I think he answered very intelligently." What do you think about RM's interview?

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