Korean drama titled 'Bora! Deborah' was released on April 12, 2023 with producer Kim Hyun-jung. Genre of romantic comedy, this drama tells the story of a writer named Yeon Bo Ra, played by Yoo In Na. Bo Ra became a writer who has a pen name, namely Deborah. Bo Ra is a bestselling author on love and she is famous as a dating coach aka love expert.
He has led many to call him a dating coach and earned a lot of sympathy from the public. Then the emergence of the famous girl group, BLACKPINK made netizens surprised and happy. As reported by KBIZoom, a scene from episode 5 of the ongoing drama 'Bora! Deborah' in which BLACKPINK appears shows the production of the magazine, with BLACKPINK's group photo featured on the cover.
Because of BLACKPINK's popularity, the main character of the drama who works as a writer was told by a friend, “The cover of this issue of the magazine is BLACKPINK. This is BLACKPINK. You have to give up. " BLACKPINK fans love seeing their favorite group on screen, even if it's just for a brief cameo appearance. The drama that managed to attract more attention by appearing BLACKPINK as a cameo has another title, namely 'True To Love'.
Not only thanks to the appearance of BLACKPINK and an interesting storyline that combines romantic stories with comedy spices, this drama also stars professional Korean artists who have succeeded in their careers. There is Yoo In Na, an actress born in 1982 who plays the main character of the drama as a writer. Previously, Yoo In Na played a role in the famous drama Snowdrop.
He starred as the character Kang Chung Ya in the drama. Then there is Chansung, a member of the K-Pop group 2PM who is also talented in acting. Chansung plays Bo Ra's lover named Noh Ju Wan. There is also Yoon Hyun Min who is also considered as the main character in this drama. Hyun Min plays Lee Su Hyeok. Interested in watching this drama to see BLACKPINK? Come on, just watch.
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