NCT has again shared the latest teaser image from Jaehyun, ahead of the release of the song Horizon on August 8, 2023. Quoting from the official NCT Twitter account, on Saturday August 5, 2023, this time Jaehyun displayed a free and natural vibe. A number of teaser images with the main background of the sea are presented to cool the views of fans.
Still wearing a simple and casual outfit for the latest teaser image for Horizon 's song this time, Jaehyun seems to be enjoying a relaxing sea view. Jaehyun seemed to board the ship while enjoying the beautiful sea view. Not to forget, he also captures the natural atmosphere by recording it using a camera.
A number of poses displayed by Jaehyun look natural like a candid photo. In one of the pictures, Jaehyun looks cool when he wears sun glasses with his face fully highlighted by the camera. In another picture, Jaehyun displays a more calm and sad vibe. This time it's a picture of him sitting on the boat but with his chin propped up.
Not looking at the camera, Jaehyun seemed to ponder. In another picture, he looks mellow again with a pose supporting his head with his right hand. However, this time Jaehyun seemed to be sitting on the edge of the sea. Another teaser image also presents a calm and calm atmosphere. Jaehyun seemed to be standing in front of a stretch of blue sea.
Pictures taken from a distance and photos of Jaehyun that appear to be taken from the side make this one teaser image look aesthetic. The fans are even more impatient to wait for the release of Jaehyun's song Horizon this time. Not only did the idol participate in writing the lyrics for the song, Jaehyun co-wrote the music.
In addition, according to Jaehyun, the song Horizon was inspired by the beauty of the horizon that he saw while on the plane, making fans anticipate groovy and soothing music. From the teaser image that has been shared, fans are treated to captivating visuals. Jaehyun looks stunning and is himself when he blends in with nature and enjoys the natural scenery around him.
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