Lee Cheol-woo emphasized that he was not involved in Jung Joon-young's chat group after the Burning Sun scandal became a hot topic of conversation on social media recently. This denial came after the BBC released a documentary containing a major scandal in the world of South Korean entertainment in 2019. 

Previously, he was accused of being involved in Jung Joon-young's chat group, which was one of the perpetrators of the harassment case. Jung Joon-young is a figure who often shares videos of harassment and rape in the group. However, Lee Cheol-woo admitted that he only communicated with Jung Joon-young for work matters. 

"I want to reiterate that I am not involved in chat rooms. (This statement is the same as what I expressed through my agency at that time," wrote Lee Cheol-woo via his latest post on Instagram, quoted on Wednesday May 22, 2024.

"The chat room I was referring to during the incident was specifically to share the schedule and content required for filming when I appeared on the show Hitmaker in 2016, " continued the actor and model. The actor in the drama Lovely Runner also revealed that he had stopped all communication in the group right after filming the program finished. 

"We don't talk about anything personal, apart from the program, and the chat room ends after the program is over,"  he said. Lee Cheol-woo admitted that he had become a victim of slander due to the outbreak of the Burning Sun scandal carried out by Jung Joon-young. He asked the media and the public to stop making malicious comments to him, his family and those closest to him. 

Lee Cheol-woo's agency will also take firm action if this continues. The statement made by Lee Cheol-woo was the second after he said the same thing in April 2019. At that time, he was first accused of being one of the perpetrators due to being caught as a member of the same chat room as other Burning Sun perpetrators.

Lee Cheol-woo's name is well known to the public through his role as Hyung-gu in the drama Lovely Runner which will air in 2024. In 2014, he was appointed as a model and won second place in the OnStyle Korea's Next Top Model: Guys & Girls fashion modeling competition.

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