Have you heard the latest song from ATEEZ entitled " WORK "? If not, come on, let's discuss the excitement of this inspirational song ! "WORK" by ATEEZ is the main song on their latest mini album " GOLDEN HOUR : Part.1", which is high energy and raises the theme of hard work, perseverance, and the pursuit of success . 

Just from the summary, you can really feel the enthusiasm, right? This song reminds us that working hard is very important to achieve financial stability, gain recognition and rewards in life. In the chorus, there is a phrase repeated like a mantra, " gotta work, gotta work, gotta make that money, make purse ", which describes the dedication and drive needed to succeed in a competitive world.

In each verse, ATEEZ members show their ambition and determination with vivid images and metaphors. They said the readiness served on a gold plate was eye-opening, symbolizing readiness for success. There are also references to traveling from LA to Tokyo and being followed by guards, highlighting their sense of accomplishment and influence.

Not to forget, the lyrics also touch on the idea of ​​standing out wherever they are, they will always attract attention like the latest news. The mention of precious time and focusing on personal goals rather than socializing conveys the message to prioritize our personal goals and aspirations. This song also has interesting cultural references, you know. 

For example, the Spanish phrase " Ganso que pone huevos de oro ", which means the goose lays the golden eggs. It symbolizes something very valuable or profitable. The phrase reinforces the concept of working tirelessly to achieve significant success. The repeated emphasis on making money and gaining credit reflects a society driven by material success and recognition. 

The members of ATEEZ encourage listeners to stay focused, work hard, and reap the rewards of their efforts. In conclusion, "WORK" by ATEEZ is an inspirational song, celebrating the values ​​of hard work, dedication, and ambition. The lyrics of this song convey a message about perseverance, seizing opportunities, and pursuing financial independence. 

Through vivid imagery, metaphors, and cultural references, this song inspires us to persevere, chase our dreams, and work hard to achieve our goals in a competitive world. So, for those of you who need an injection of enthusiasm, come on, listen to the song "WORK" from ATEEZ. Guaranteed, your enthusiasm for hard work will immediately increase!

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