The Twilight Saga, which is based on a series of novels by Stephenie Meyer, first aired in 2008 with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as the main characters. Despite being criticized for its storyline and acting, the series remains a favorite and its popularity has not waned to this day. Following the reboot trend, Lionsgate also confirmed that Twilight will be back on the small screen. 

Quoting a report from Deadline on Friday September 6, 2024, the project is being developed into an animated series on Netflix. The series will adapt the novel Midnight Sun  which retells the Twilight story from Edward Cullen's perspective. The animated series adapts the novel Midnight Sun, which was in the works for over a decade before finally being published in 2020. 

The novel adds more details about Bella and Edward's love story, including the times when Edward was distant from her and how he eventually fell in love with Bella. Sinead Daly, who was previously involved in Tell Me Lies, will write the script and serve as executive producer on the new project, which is produced by Lionsgate Television. 

The author of the original novel, Stephenie Meyer, will also serve as executive producer for the animated series, alongside Meghan Hibbett, Wyck Godfrey, Marty Bowen, Erik Feig, Samie Kim Falvey, and Emily Wissink. Despite its many criticisms, Twilight remains a favorite watch for many, even more than ten years since the last film, The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn — Part 2 was released in 2012. 

Despite being commercially successful, these films didn't really need a reboot. However, converting them to animation is a pretty brilliant move.  With the Midnight Sun adaptation,  Netflix has a great opportunity to explore more details that may have been missed in the 2008 Twilight film. 

The series can delve deeper into the dynamics of the Cullen vampire family and show off their abilities without limitations. With a bigger platform, Bella and Edward's relationship could be explored more deeply to address the criticism of how quickly they fell in love in the initial story.

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