On Thursday December 26, 2024, a video circulated showing G-Dragon's hilarious interaction with his fans. In the video , the BIGBANG member was seen about to enter the hotel after finishing his work. Who would have thought that in front of the hotel building there were several male fans who were not there on purpose.
In other words, the male fans were already there. Then suddenly G-Dragon got out of the luxury car escorted by several staff. Seeing the unexpected appearance of G-Dragon, of course the fans immediately screamed excitedly. They seemed amazed and could not believe they could meet the 36-year-old idol.
While out there many fans deliberately waited for G-Dragon anywhere for hours just to see and meet the idol in person. But what's funny is, G-Dragon gave an unusual reaction when he heard the excited and amazed screams of his fans.
Instead of feeling uncomfortable or rushing into the hotel, the singer of "Power" actually stopped for a moment and responded to the excited cheers of his fans with screams that were no less loud. He also closed his eyes and widened them to dramatize the atmosphere.
Seeing G-Dragon's unexpected behavior, the female fan who recorded the rare moment immediately laughed. Until finally G-Dragon continued his steps into the hotel with a smile on his lips. Netizens and other fans on social media who saw this video immediately flooded it with various comments.
They praised G-Dragon's attitude who always shows his friendliness to anyone, even random people. " Is GD too nice or what, why are his (random) videos always positive vibes [sic!] ," commented a netizen. " It's like meeting an old friend ," said another while adding a laughing emoji. " GD really likes trolling, my humble boy.
This is the reason why many people like him [sic!] ," said another. Meanwhile, G-Dragon received criticism for his performance on the 2024 SBS Gayo Daejeon stage on December 25, 2024. This was his first controversy in 18 years since his debut for a live stage performance.
G-Dragon initially performed the song "Power" before continuing with "Sober" and "Crooked". However, after G-Dragon's stage performance, public opinion was divided. Most people praised G-Dragon's aura and charisma that continued to captivate the audience, but some criticized him for his lack of skills when performing live.
G-Dragon was seen performing live on stage at the 2024 SBS Gayo Daejeon using AR audio. Considering that G-Dragon was already known for his skills before BIGBANG's debut, this reaction was unexpected. However, there was a reason behind the senior idol's stage performance controversy.
It was because the sound at the 2024 SBS Gayo Daejeon was unstable. In fact, G-Dragon repeatedly put on and took off his earphones as soon as he went on stage. In addition, the shape of his mouth saying "Anna Wa" was caught on screen. Due to microphone issues, he had to cover his performance with his live voice through AR audio.
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