Jungkook has once again shocked the public with his unexpected new move. On Sunday December 8, 2024, the BTS maknae introduced his personal YouTube channel. He shared a link to the channel on his dog Bam's Instagram account, @Bowwow_bam , accompanied by a simple message, " Have a nice day, Bam. I just prepared it for now ."
Fans immediately recognized it as a link to Jungkook’s new YouTube channel, and excitement quickly spread. Despite no official announcement, Jungkook’s channel exploded, quickly gaining 100,000 subscribers in just 2 hours after it was announced.
Jungkook’s YouTube channel automatically received a Silver Play Button for the achievement. In fact, Jungkook has not uploaded any content to his personal YouTube channel. However, the number of subscribers has skyrocketed to 200,000 in just 5 hours. At 9 am on December 9, 2024, the channel surpassed 430,000 subscribers.
An amazing achievement, right? The fans' surprise did not stop there. It has now been revealed that Jungkook's personal YouTube channel was created in 2016, exactly the same year as the idol's personal Instagram account was created , which unfortunately has been deleted.
That means Jungkook has been preparing all of this for a long time. Fans also gave various comments, and the majority admitted to being shocked by Jungkook's new move. On the other hand, they can't wait to see what content the 1997-born idol will share on his personal YouTube channel.
Many are guessing that the YouTube channel will show more of Jungkook's beloved dog, Bam's daily life. " He's been doing this since 2016 ," a fan commented. " I can't wait to see what content Jungkook will share on YouTube ," another said. " He's really good at hiding secrets ," another joked.
This isn’t the first time Jungkook has taken the internet by storm. Back in April, he launched his dog Bam’s Instagram account, which quickly skyrocketed to popularity. The account reached 1 million followers in just 4 hours, setting a world record for the fastest pet Instagram account to reach the milestone.
Not only that, in a day, the account grew from 2 million to 3 million, and now has reached 4 million followers, with each post getting millions of likes. Jungkook's latest YouTube breakthrough shows just how big his global influence is, with fans eagerly awaiting more from the superstar.
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