Actor Lee Sang Yoon opened up about his unexpected journey from a physics student at Seoul National University to an actor. The actor also shared some funny and insightful moments along the way. While guesting on KBS Cool FM's Park Myung Soo 's Radio Show on January 20, 2025, Lee Sang Yoon joined veteran actor Park Geun Hyung. 

The two were promoting the theater performance "Death of a Salesman." During the chat session, Sang Yoon recalled a joke Geun Hyung made, which considered his impressive academic background as a flaw. Geun Hyung quickly explained, "A degree from Seoul National University doesn't mean much here. 

If you're going to study theater, it's better to major in theater." Lee Sang Yoon laughed at the comment and shared that he wanted to be reborn in a different profession, instead of an actor. "If I could be reborn, I think I would want to be a doctor," the actor said.

This prompted a witty response from Myung Soo, who said, "With your looks, if you wanted to be a doctor, you'd end up with plastic surgery. You'd dominate that field, it'd be chaos!" Lee Sang Yoon then revealed how he first got into acting. "I got the chance to try acting by chance. I was curious, and people around me said that it would help me overcome my shyness," he shared. 

Lee Sang Yoon revealed that he initially thought of acting as an experience to develop himself. "However, I started to enjoy it. Although I used to have a hard time performing in front of other people, I found a strange sense of joy that kept me going. That feeling has stayed with me until now," the actor added.

Lee Sang Yoon continues to captivate hearts with his talent and charm, proving that even a “disadvantage” like a degree from Seoul National University can’t stop him from pursuing his dreams. Fans are now even more curious to see his performance in the theater performance “Death of a Salesman.”

Meanwhile, Lee Sang Yoon has not starred in a TV or drama project for quite some time. The actor last starred in the drama titled "Pandora: Beneath the Paradise" in 2023. He also had a brief part in the Netflix drama "Celebrity" in 2023. Lee Sang Yoon seems to be using the break to focus on acting in theater performances.

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