iQOO will launch its Z3 5G smartphone in India on June 8, as per an official announcement. The handset went official in China in March and it will be the first smartphone in India with a Snapdragon 768G chipset. It comes with a 64MP triple rear camera system, 55W fast-charging support, and a 120Hz display.
The iQOO Z3 5G has a 6.58-inch Full-HD+ (1080x2408 pixels) IPS LCD screen with an aspect ratio of 20:9, a 120Hz refresh rate, and HDR10 support. It features a waterdrop notch design with a prominent bottom bezel and a fingerprint scanner on the side. On the rear, it bears a rectangular triple camera module.
Under the hood, The smartphone draws power from a Snapdragon 768G processor, coupled with up to 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB of storage. In terms of software, the handset boots Android 11-based Origin OS for iQOO 1.0
As for the cameras, the iQOO Z3 5G is equipped with a triple rear camera arrangement, which comprises a 64MP (f/1.8) main sensor, an 8MP (f/2.2) ultra-wide snapper, and a 2MP (f/2.4) macro lens. On the front, it has a 16MP (f/2.0) selfie shooter.
The smartphone is equipped with a 4,400mAh battery with 55W fast-charging support. For connectivity, the handset offers support for dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.1, GPS, 5G, a headphone jack, and a Type-C port. It is available in three color options.
The pricing and availability details of the iQOO Z3 5G in India will be announced at the June 8 launch event. For reference, in China, it is priced in the range of CNY 1,699 (roughly Rs. 19,400) and CNY 1,999 (approximately Rs. 22,800).
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