Noise ColorFit Icon Buzz smartwatch has been launched in India as the latest budget smartwatch in the Noise lineup. The Icon Buzz budget wearable was listed on Amazon for the last couple of weeks. And now, the company has announced the price, availability and sale date of the smartwatch. The smartwatch comes with features like Bluetooth calling, a voice assistant, up to seven days of battery life, and much more.
The Noise ColorFit Icon Buzz sports a 1.69-inch TFT LCD display, in a square body along with a side crown button to navigate across the UI. The star of the show here is the Bluetooth calling feature, which allows you to make a phone directly from the watch using the built-in phone dialer. Thanks to the built-in mic and loudspeaker, you can make and receive calls right on your wrist.
The Noise ColorFit Icon Buzz offers up to 7 days of battery on a single charge. Other features of the watch include weather forecast, stopwatch, brightness control, music control, wake gesture, app notifications, DND, Bluetooth 5.1, and IP67 dust and water resistance rating. The smartwatch supports 9 sports modes including running, treadmill, walking, spinning, cycling, yoga, hiking, and climbing.
Another feature that’s unique at this price is the voice assistant feature. Noise says the watch is compatible with Google Assistant and Siri, which can be activated using the phone. In addition to this, there is also a couple of game including flappy bird, which can be accessed from the menu. In terms of health-related features, you get sleep monitoring, heart rate sensor, and blood-oxygen sensor (SpO2).
For pricing and availability, the Noise ColorFit Icon Buzz is priced at Rs 4,999. However, as an introductory offer, the wearable will be available for Rs 3,499 on e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and also Noise e-store. The smartwatch will go on sale starting 2 PM on February 2 and it will be available in Jet Black, Silver Grey, and Olive Gold colour options.
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