boAt has launched a new headphone called as the boAt Nirvana 751 ANC Wireless headphones in India. The new headphones from boAt offer hybrid active noise cancellation support. The headphone is equipped with a 40mm driver and it supports Bluetooth v5.0. Furthermore, it offer 65 hours of playback and also supports fast charging.
The boAt Nirvana 751 ANC Wireless headphones is equipped with 40mm drivers. It is the first Bluetooth headphone from the company which offers hybrid active noise cancellation up to 33db. The ANC support allows the suppression of background noise. The headphones also have a dedicated button for turning on and off the active noise cancellation.
According to boAT, the Nirvana 751 ANC Wireless headphones can last for 65 hours on a single charge. With ANC on, it can last for more than 50 hours. The headphones also have fast charging support. With 10 minutes of charging, the headphone is said to provide 10 hours of playtime.
The boAt Nirvana 751 ANC Wireless headphones also have an ambient sound mode which enables users to be aware of background sounds. The headphones have a Type-C port, a button for voice assistants (Siri and Google Assistant), and a dedicated mic for calling. Furthermore, the headphone has Bluetooth v5.0 support and an Aux jack.
As for pricing and availability, the boAt Nirvana 751 ANC Wireless headphones is priced at ₹3,999 in India. . The headphone comes in three colour options—black, blue, and silver. The headphones can be purchased in India via E-commerce platform website Amazon starting from February 8.
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