Netease Entertainment launched on Monday August 29, 2022 regarding Liu Yu INTO1 's resignation from the Masked Dancing King 3 event due to the plagiarism issue that happened to him. Initially, a pipe musician named Liu Qingyao uploaded a video through his Weibo account. In the video, he claims that Liu Yu's appearance in Masked Dancing King 3 plagiarized his original work, entitled King of Lanling .

Liu Qingyao explained that the platforms involved have never made a public apology and did not give him satisfactory compensation. Accordingly, Liu Qingyao announced on Monday (29/8/2022), that he would sue Jiangsu Satellite TV, iQiyi, Youku, Shanghai Canxing Productions, and Liu Yu. Liu Qingyao admitted that he had no intention of suing Liu Yu at first. 

However, the INTO1 member's fans continued to cyberbully him. This is what made him decide to join the lawsuit against Liu Yu. In response to the video uploaded by Liu Qingyao, Liu Yu deleted the video of his appearance in Masked Dancing King 3 causing controversy from his social media account. INTO1's official Weibo account also released a statement regarding this issue. 

It is stated that matters relating to the copyright of the music featured in Masked Dancing King 3  are handled by the program team. Prior to performing, Liu Yu had communicated to the Masked Dancing King 3 team about the song he would be performing. The program team confirmed that there are no copyright issues. 

Therefore, after Liu Yu's side heard about the plagiarism issue, they firmly held the Masked Dancing King 3 team accountable . The program team has provided an answer and will address this issue as soon as possible. INTO1 and Liu Yu respect and support the original copyright. There will be continued communication with the Masked Dancing King 3 program team and the creators of the original work. 

Netizens were also asked to stop attacking Liu Yu and Liu Qingyao. This upload was then forwarded by Liu Yu. He wrote a caption containing an invitation to respect and support originality, and together create a good environment for creativity. Liu Yu also announced that he would not be participating in the final filming of Masked Dancing King 3.

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