Once Upon a Small Town is a Korean romantic-comedy drama series directed by Kwon Seok-jang and starring Choo Yeong-woo, Park Soo-young, Baek Sung-chul and Jung Suk-yong, together other cast. member. Once Upon a Small Town episode 11 has a runtime of 34 minutes. Once Upon a Small Town episode 11 begins with Ja-young and Ji-yul finally showing their love for each other when she goes in for a sudden kiss. 

We see the aftermath of the kiss as a confused Ji-yul steps in for a few seconds as the initial shock wears off. However, when Yeong-suk arrives unexpectedly, he urges Ja-young to hide. Later, the two of them discuss keeping their relationship a secret because, well, their neighbors are nosy, but they both smile like there's no tomorrow, and a surge of feelings shows in their big smiles and excited demeanor. 

It's adorable to see them so excited, especially Ji-yul, whose big smile makes eyes hurt! While Ja-young excitedly heads home to think about the day's events, Ji-yul decides to check her grandfather's case file to find out about taking better care of the big animal and amuses Yeong-suk when he tells him that the big suitcase is at the clinic. was actually hers, which she found odd since she should have returned to Seoul soon. 

However, he realized that the place might have grown on him. That night, the two of them, after some sweet talk, decided to go to Seoul that night, and he obviously got really excited when he took her to his clinic. Once there, they talk about the journey they have to take to meet each other. Ja-young, rather sweetly, mentions that the trip was nothing, and he also promises her to do better so their relationship can go smoothly. 

The drive back to town was a bit sweet, and the two were constantly laughing and talking to each other throughout the car ride. Ji-yul's face as she walks him to his place, is priceless. At work the next day, Ja-young, now full of love and smiling constantly, chooses not to do work for someone, which really blows her colleagues away. Ji-yul comes to her rescue right away and takes her away from work on the pretext of delivering dog food to its place. 

However, Ja-young is a little afraid of their relationship being exposed, but Ji-yul calms her mind with finesse. Later, Ja-young has a rather pleasant epiphany where she tells everyone from the village that she doesn't care whether other people like her or not. She does want constant attention and affection, but she realizes that she doesn't need other people's validation. He's fine with everyone not liking him. 

And thus, with a smile on his face, he rushes to meet Ji-yul as they date. But, obviously, their date can't just be simple and loving – there needs to be an element of secrecy and thrill, and they eat at restaurants where the owners know them, and they pretend they don't know each other. That night, after naming each other rather silly pets, Ja-young and Ji-yul go to see Sang-hyeon so he can officially tell her his decision to date Ji-yul. 

Even though Sang-hyeon is a little disappointed, he's still by Ja-young's side, and despite his feelings for her, he seems happy that his friend is happy. Just as they're about to head back home, Ji-yul kisses Ja-young on a rather deserted stretch of land, and it looks like their secret relationship is on the verge of getting caught!

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