Mecima Pro became a trusted promoter to bring SEVENTEEN to Jakarta. However, there were a number of incidents that made fans protest, until the hashtag #BannedMecima became a trending topic on Twitter. Mecima Pro also explained the alleged presence of spectators who could enter with fake tickets at the SEVENTEEN concert. 

They emphasized that fans could send evidence if this was indeed the case to the promoter and it would be followed up. "No one can enter fake tickets. If this is true, please send evidence to Mecima. If there is evidence, you can contact If proven, we will contact the person concerned. has also said that if the barcode is not registered, it cannot enter," explained Mecima Pro. 

"When it comes to counterfeiting, it's always present at every event. It can't be avoided. So we have said from the start not to buy from third parties. If we can't, we sincerely apologize because the quantity is limited. If you get it from or our side selling, it is certain that the barcode will be read," he continued. The promoter also denied that SEVENTEEN concert tickets were traded to brokers. 

Mecima Pro confirms that it has tried to reduce brokers with a member system. "We have tried really hard to reduce brokers, one of which is the member system, which also gets criticism. That's one way. We even do face checks for those who buy tickets with benefits. So they have to come to exchange tickets themselves," said Mecima Pro. "But again, this happens in all countries, we can't fully know if it's brokers or fans. 

It's very difficult to limit (the tickets fall to brokers). That's why yesterday we limited sales, namely one person can only buy two tickets," he added. Later, Mecima Pro will issue an official clarification. They also see the criticism received from fans as a basis for improvement for other concerts in the future. "We will also issue our own clarification that what we are conveying is fact. 

If fans don't believe it, we can only explain. But we have tried our best, we will definitely read good and constructive criticism and we will use it as a basis for future improvements, " said Mecima Pro. "But what I also ask is why only negative things are highlighted? Even though there are also positive things and improvements that have been made. 

For example yesterday we also paid attention to those who are disabled, there is a special area and a special ladder is provided for the disabled to get to the grandstand area. In addition, in the standing area, because there were quite a lot of people and it was hot, they also stood for a long time, our security was diligent in distributing drinks during the event," he continued. 

"Why are these things never noticed? Not to be praised, but we always try our best for the fans. We are happy with the enthusiasm of the fans. There are definitely still many shortcomings, especially regarding ticketing. If there is another SEVENTEEN concert in the future, we will make it for further improvements. We are trying to get more tickets and bigger venues. We apologize if there are still shortcomings," concluded Mecima Pro.

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