Once Upon a Small Town episode 8 begins with Ja-young walking down the street looking somewhat happier and more excited than usual. There also seems to be some anticipation and nostalgia involved as he thinks about Ji-yul and her confession from that night. Plus, the bike he's holding turns out to be Ji-yul's who gave it that night so he can go home comfortably. 

Ja-young's face tells the feelings she's feeling and remembering Ji-yul's performance last night, it looks like she's sharing her feelings! But right now, Ji-yul is a bit heartbroken after learning that Mal-geum had mentioned Ja-young's terrible name. Right outside of work, however, Ji-yul finds Mal-geum, who asks her to see her mother's dog, who is very sick. 

He's not particularly interested in going to another village to take care of a dog, but Ja-young assures him that the dog is innocent and that he should do this for him. On the way there, there's talk of how to greet each other, and the funny thing is, Ja-young refuses to call Ji-yul 'Oppa' even though she's older. However, they took care of Doldol, but their troubles did not end quickly as they realized that their tire was flat. 

That, in turn, turned out to be a blessing for the two as they spent a fun and exciting day together without any distractions. However, the good times only last. And after returning to Huidong, he found out that his girlfriend had come to visit him. It's an awkward moment because Ja-young is there with him and Ji-yul is clearly uncomfortable with surprise guests. Also, there seems to be a romance between Yeong-suk and Yun-hyeong. 

By the way, it turns out that Choi Min's girlfriend is actually his ex-girlfriend who really wants to get back together with him. Ji-yul is clearly not interested and asks Min to come home. However, she tells him that she stayed in the village for a week and has found a place. He promises to try his hardest to win her over and that he will get her back as his girlfriend.

And as if things weren't getting any weirder, it turns out that Min will be living with Ja-young, who no one likes. The Women's Association ladies continue to annoy and say unnecessary things about Min and Ji-yul in front of Ja-young, which obviously makes both of them very uncomfortable. But, when Sang-hyeon gets there and starts acting like Ja-young's boyfriend, it gets worse.

In the end, Ja-young and Ji-yul are left looking at each other awkwardly. Afterwards, Sang-hyeon stops Ji-yul and Ja-young from talking to each other while an irritated Ji-yul can only stare at them as they leave. Back at the house, Ji-yul wonders what to do about Min and gets a rather interesting idea. He goes to where Ja-young and Sang-hyeon are walking and tells him that Min isn't his girlfriend — he doesn't have one. Sang-hyeon looks a bit irritated.

Once Upon a Small Town, to introduce humor into its storyline, has introduced some of the most annoying characters you can find. In typical K-drama mode, these characters are loud, obnoxious and have no sense of boundaries and can't take hints. The Women's Association women are really annoying and frankly infuriating so you want to skip the scene where they are there. 

For example, the scene between Ja-young, Ji-yul and Min could have been awkward and weird without unnecessary comments from the women. It would be a much better watch if they let it play instead of raving about how Ji-yul looks great with Min and the others. Anyway, Min seems completely unnecessary too, as if we didn't get enough drama, thanks to Sang-hyeon trying to take power in Ja-young's life without his consent. 

However, you need drama and what better way to add it than introducing your ex. Either way, the scene between Ja-young and Ji-yul is rather nice and sweet and makes for an entertaining spectacle. Plus, I found Ji-yul to be a rather calming character who had a good head on her shoulders. I wish they would continue the storyline instead of adding some really crazy plot devices that don't bring the desired results.

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