The last episode of the collaboration between GMMTV and Oishi zero sugar featured the Earth Pirapat couple and Mix Sahaphap as the main characters. Titled Zero Supporter , this episode tells the story of the characters Win and Korn from the Cupid Last Wish series that aired early last year. 

The Thai drama Cupid Last Wish had a happy ending for Win and Korn. Both managed to run the farm inherited from his father Win well. This farm became very developed. Korn who works as a chef also opened a bakery that is integrated with Wooradom Farm, the farm of the Win family. 

Zero Supporter tells the continuation of the story of Win and Korn. Win agrees to leave Wooradom Farm and follow Korn to Bangkok to expand his bakery and also make Korn's dream come true. Win, who is easily angered, seems to be starting to subdue Korn. The proof is that he patiently followed Korn to move to Bangkok. 

Even when he arrived at Korn's house which was far from what he expected, Win steadfastly cleaned up Korn's messy house.  But Win's emotions started to explode again, because of several things. First, Korn always criticized him for eating too much. Second, the figure of Phi Phat, a colleague and senior from Korn who has always liked Korn. 

Korn also seems to be hiding a lot of things from Win. Win reaches sudzon, thinking that Korn is cheating on him. Their bickering got hotter when the two things collaborated. Korn who refuses to bring Win hunting food with the excuse of meeting Phi Phat. The two had a big fight, until finally a thunderbolt separated them. 

After that they switch bodies, as happened with Win and Lin in the drama Cupid Last Wish. A voice said that they switched bodies to understand each other. Korn who was in Win's body had to realize how heavy housework Win did every day. Meanwhile, Win, who is now engulfed in high emotions, must know the daily activities Korn does inside Korn's body.

Until at some point they understand the purpose of this body swap, to understand each other. Although it can be said that the advertisement is packaged in the form of a short drama. This Zero Supporter can be a light viewing option to accompany your spare time. You can watch it on the official GMMTV Official YouTube channel.

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