Jessica Jung is not only known as a novelist. After years of pursuing a career as a singer, she also ventured into the fashion business called Blanc & Eclare. For several years since its establishment, this brand has been welcomed by fans. 

However, in the past three years, there have been many problems with it, including the issue of arrears on building rent payments. South Korean local media reported TheQoo, the Blanc & Eclare store in Gangnam, Seoul, will be forced to close because it does not pay the rent for the building. 

This problem is actually the aftermath of the same case that has been entangling the company since 2020. The closure occurred on Wednesday May 24, 2023. The owner of the building with the initials A now intends to bring this matter to the realm of law.

The problem between the building owner and the Blanc & Eclare store in Gangnam has been going on since 2021. Blanc & Eclare previously received a lawsuit from the building owner due to late rent payments. Mediation was held in June 2022 which resulted in an agreement that Blanc & Eclare must pay the rent in arrears. 

Unfortunately after that the situation was still out of control and the problem could not be resolved. Blanc & Eclare cannot complete its obligations until the end of 2022. That's why last May 24 the store in Gangnam was forced to close. 

Meanwhile, the building owner will continue this matter to the realm of law. Continuing the report he made to the Seoul Central District Court in December 2021. Jessica Jung and Blanc & Eclare have not issued an official statement regarding this matter.

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