Netflix announced that the Sakamoto Days anime series will begin airing globally in January 2025. The anime will be released in a weekly format, rather than all episodes at once. Sakamoto Days by Yuto Suzuki is an action comedy series that tells the story of Taro Sakamoto, a former hitman.

After retiring from his dark world, Sakamoto underwent a drastic change—he was no longer physically fit and he lived a simple life as a shop clerk with his wife and child. However, his peaceful life is disturbed when he is trapped again in the criminal world that he once left behind.

You could say that the story is like a combination of John Wick and Spy x Family, but with a touch of humor reminiscent of the works of the late Akira Toriyama. To survive his new life, Sakamoto must face attacks from his former comrades, aided by his new family of underworld defectors.

Together with TMS Entertainment, the project will recruit Masaki Watanabe as director. Taku Kishimoto will write the screenplay for the series, while character designs will be handled by Yo Moriyama. Sakamoto Days is not the first anime on Netflix to follow a weekly release format. 

Previously, Delicious in Dungeon , an adaptation of Ryoko Kui's manga produced by studio Trigger, was also released weekly for 24 episodes starting on January 4, 2024. Meanwhile, Crunchyroll has successfully attracted more young viewers by releasing new episodes weekly for the Kaiju No. 8 series. 

This approach revives the familiar trend of scheduled viewing that has proven effective for Generation Z and Generation Alpha. The positive response from young viewers to this format suggests that they enjoy it more when new episodes are released in batches each week. This might be one of the reasons why Netflix has also started implementing a weekly release strategy for their anime.

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