Felix from Stray Kids made a positive impact on his birthday by donating 100 million won. On September 20, 2024, JYP Entertainment announced, "Felix donated a total of 100 million won, 50 million won each to UNICEF and World Vision, in celebration of his birthday on September 15, 2024."

The funds Felix donated to UNICEF and World Vision will be used for a nutrition and water sanitation support project for children in Laos and 'Morning Meokko', a breakfast support project for underprivileged children in Korea.

World Vision named Felix a member of the Bob Pierce Honor Club, a group of high-net-worth donors named after World Vision founder Bob Pierce. Among donors with cumulative donations of over 100 million won, they selected people who sympathize with various global issues and take the lead in spreading the value of sharing as members.

Felix previously donated 100 million won to the Korean Committee for UNICEF to help children in Laos who have difficulty growing up due to poor nutrition, water, and sanitation, and was named the youngest member of the UNICEF Honor Club and the first member to join in 2024.

Felix said, "I want to continue to give my strength and love to protect the pure hearts of children." "I feel like my birthday is made more special by sharing the precious love I received from fans. I hope that the help will be given to those who need it most."

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