Little Women is a Korean mystery thriller drama that revolves around the hardships faced by three sisters. The story follows their journey after they find themselves in the middle of a major incident that changes their lives forever. Directed by Kim Hee-won and written by Jung Seo-kyung, this drama stars Kim Go-eun, Nam Ji-hyun, Park Ji-hoo, Wi Ha-joon, along with other cast members. The 12-episode show premiered on September 3, 2022, and releases new episodes every Saturday and Sunday at 9 p.m. KST on tvN taking over the time slot previously occupied by Alchemy of Souls. 

Little Women episode 10 is 71 minutes long. Little Women episode 10 begins with Won Sang-woo confronting Jae-sang and calling Im-soo to make a deal to run away. However, Jae-sang takes advantage of his distraction and fights and then kills him. He then returns to Sang-a who knows about what has happened. On the other hand, Do-il and In-ju sneak into their house and go to Hyo-rin to find out about In-hye. Hyo-rin tells them that she believes In-hye won't leave her and her departure must have something to do with her mother. He then heard a voice from outside and understood that his mother had gone somewhere. 

Sang-a heads to In-hye who thinks that she came to kill her and asks her not to let her sister and Hyo-rin not know of her death. Sang-a tells him that she won't kill him today and gives him a picture of three children to paint. However, In-hye notices that something is bothering her. Moments after Sang-a leaves, she hears voices from outside and soon In-ju enters the room and rushes towards her sister followed by Hyo-rin. The three of them took a look at the strange room before leaving in a hurry. Elsewhere, In-kyung notices that Sang-woo has disappeared along with Hee-jae's car and wonders if he went to kill Jae-sang. 

Hee-jae tells him that he wasn't capable of killing anyone and must have run away. The next day, Jae-sang is actively campaigning for the upcoming election and learns that Do-il was involved in Sang-woo's escape. He then sets a trap to lure Do-il with the help of his mother. Elsewhere, Sang-a worries for Hyo-rin after realizing she has disappeared, when she learns that In-ju has come to see her. In-ju hands him a letter from Hyo-rin and informs her that she ran away with In-hye this morning too. Sang-a reads the letter as Hyo-rin tells her that she wants to run away from the things that made her unhappy that made her decide to leave.

Sang-a asks In-ju if In-hye left a letter for her too and she shows them a note to let them know that In-hye has left. Sang-a laughs and tells him that she won't do anything to him today by calling for a truce. He then decides to give In-ju some advice and tells him not to trust Do-il too much and go with his sister as soon as possible. In-ju thinks about this and asks In-kyung if she wants to go, but In-kyung disagrees. In-ju has no choice but to give up but then hears In-kyung cry over something she saw on her laptop. Elsewhere, Do-il and Hee-jae are setting up their equipment around the stage where Jae-sang will be holding his campaign. 

Hee-jae tries to hand over the gun that was in his truck to Do-il but the latter refuses and keeps his distance from his father. Just then he gets a call from the hospital asking for his presence as Anh So-young's mother's guardian. He rushes there but finds Jae-sang and Im-soo coming in behind him. Jae-sang then convinces Do-il to sell his father so he can escape safely with his mother to live the peaceful life he has always wanted. Do-il accepts the deal and is ready to reveal Hee-jae's plans in exchange for running away from the country with his mother. 

He then walks up to In-ju and asks her to sign a document that will give her a power of attorney for the paper company hiding her money. In-ju can't understand the document written in English so Jong-ho and In-kyung come to read it and agree to sign it. He then lures Hee-jae to a quiet place by sending In-ju with a list of weapons given to her by Hee-jae and later has Lee Yong-gwi, another Vietnam War Victim; made an irresistible bid for weapons. When Hee-jae reaches the place with his gun, the bomb in his vehicle explodes right in front of In-ju.

Do-il's plan is to go out with his mother during this time. So, when In-ju tries to reach him while taking Hee-jae to the hospital, she can't reach him. Jae-sang learns that everything has gone according to Do-il's plan which makes him happy and ready for the interview. But at the news station, he learns that In-kyung is sitting in front of the camera with So-young when he begins to reveal that Jae-sang's father is actually a murderer. In-ju is watching this from the hospital when she suddenly sees an injured Hee-jae watching the news beside her. He's shocked and can't understand what's going on when Do-il arrives and tells him to hurry because some people will be coming there soon to catch them. 

That's when In-ju realizes that this was all planned by Do-il and everyone else but she knows about this. In-kyung and Jong-ho found out through the documents In-ju signed and he wasn't informed about this because his natural reaction convinced Jae-sang's men of Hee-jae's injury. On the other hand, In-kyung proves that the murder that So-young had served time in prison was actually committed by Jae-sang's father with a murder weapon hidden by Do-il.

In-kyung then tells everyone that he will reveal more another day and leaves from there. However, he finds Jae-sang and informs him that he will continue to fight him. Jae-sang scoffs at him and accuses him of slandering him, but he isn't flustered and openly challenges him. Elsewhere, Hee-jae is arrested for possessing illegal artillery and this news is reported the next day while linking him to In-kyung. Jae-sang is happy with what happened and excited about the campaign on the same day.

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