Chuu, former LOONA, is still in conflict with his old management, BlockBerryCreative. Management reportedly filed a petition to boycott all of Chuu's activities in the South Korean entertainment world. The news was announced by the Korea Entertainment Management Association. 

BlockBerryCreative filed a petition in December 2022 to suspend all of Chuu's entertainment activities. BlockBerryCreative claims Chuu's actions to sign a new contract with BY4M STUDIO in 2021 are considered a breach of contract management. Management said Chuu signed a pre-contract with another management before the end of the contract period with the old management.

In response to this conflict, the Award and Punishment Committee of the Korea Entertainment Management Association requested Chuu's presence. The attorney also agreed to the request to confirm the facts regarding BlockBerryCreative's claim. They are said to be investigating this case fairly. Following the report, a source from BlockBerryCreative confirmed they had filed a petition against Chuu. 

They will also be petitioning for other former LOONA members, HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, and Choerry. Now, Chuu has finally opened up about his problems with BlockBerryCreative. Through a statement officially released through his Instagram account, Chuu denied all allegations made by management. "It's tiring and very sad because I have to continue to issue statements on this situation," said Chuu. 

"Recently, there were slander articles based on fake reports. In December 2021, I didn't even know a company called BY4M that much.  It's really sad that they tried to involve not only me, but the other LOONA members in lies. So I'll sort it out my position and release a statement soon." In November 2022, BlockBerryCreative announced Chuu's dismissal from LOONA. 

The dismissal was carried out because management felt that Chuu had been using harsh language when speaking to staff to the point where he abused his power. Chuu several times opened his voice and denied the claims of his old agency. In addition, 4 other LOONA members, HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, and Choerry won a lawsuit to terminate the contract with BlockBerryCreative.

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