"Rented In Finland" aired its latest episode on December 13, 2024. In the second episode, the four members began their short lives as homestay guests in the middle of the Finnish forest. In the homestay, there is no technology such as electricity and internet connection.

The episode's preview shows Lee Je Hoon and friends who appear to have just woken up. The first member to wake up is Kwak Dong Yeon , followed by Cha Eunwoo . In the episode, Eunwoo's waking face immediately becomes a hot topic.

Because, even though he didn't seem to have washed his face, Eunwoo's face already looked glowing. The idol born in 1997 was also seen wearing glasses. Eunwoo also looked cheerful greeting the "Rented In Finland" staff with his hoarse voice.

Many netizens are fascinated by Eunwoo's natural face when he wakes up. " He is absolutely handsome, no matter what style he has, he is still handsome, there is nothing bad about it, it's confusing how he can be handsome all the time [sic!]," wrote one netizen. " So handsome [sic!]," added another.

" His real face is a comic that has become real, aka unreal [sic!]," said another netizen. " Look at him bare face and still perfectly handsome, kekk??? HOW CAN YOU EAT WHAT, WHERE IS HIS HOUSE, HIS PHONE NUMBER IS ALLOWED [sic!]," added another.

On the other hand, Eunwoo is one of the members who adapts the fastest in "Rented In Finland". The idol is often seen snacking on wild blueberries that grow in abundance in the yard of their homestay. Eunwoo also casually picks up food leaves planted by the owner. 

In addition, Eunwoo also shows a mischievous attitude that makes his charm even more blaring. The second episode clip shows the idol busy observing Dong Yeon while his friend is making coffee. Eunwoo reveals that he wants to taste the coffee and Dong Yeon asks him to get a cup at the inn. 

However, the idol is reluctant to move so Dong Yeon doesn't let him taste the coffee. Eunwoo initially said that he wanted to enjoy wild blueberries. However, when Dong Yeon went to get water from the river to cook, Eunwoo immediately approached his friend's coffee cup and gulped it down about 2 times.

When Dong Yeon returned from getting water, Eunwoo was already standing again and laughing as if nothing had happened. It was not shown whether Dong Yeon realized that his coffee had decreased because of Eunwoo's drinking, but what was certain was that the morning atmosphere was still peaceful.

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