The 2024 KEYLAND ON: AND ON ASIA TOUR IN JAKARTA concert took place lively on Saturday July 20, 2024. This was SHINee's Key's first solo concert in Indonesia, after officially debuting solo in 2018.

Proving his experience of frequently visiting his homeland, Key showed his fluency in Indonesian from the start of the concert, even speaking the regional language. "Hello, I'm SHINee's Key. Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? This is my first solo concert in Indonesia. Thank you for coming and I hope you can enjoy this event," he said.

Key also introduced each series of songs in Indonesian, "The songs you have heard so far are..", "The next song is.." Or asking fans how they feel, "Did you enjoy the show?" "How was your day?" and occasionally following the interpreter's words like, "Keep going," "Take a break," "Is it suitable?"

He revealed that he had enjoyed satay in the morning and really liked crackers. "There is a fried snack served with satay. It is white in color. It tastes really good, what is it called?" When he heard the word crackers, Key tried to follow along, "Crackers! I love crackers! Crackers are good."

The singer of the hit song Good & Great even guided fans when asking which costume was their favorite, "The first one raises your hand.. the second one raises your hand.. the third one raises your hand.." Key also learned to differentiate the pronunciation of R and L in Indonesian, "What about La? Ra? La!", then "Thank you is RI, right?", "Ha.. ri? Li? Ri? Hari!"

"I'm trying my best. I'll be able to (get it) someday. Someday, it takes time (to learn). I almost can," he said. Of course, the words "I love you" were also not missed by him. One line he remembers is "See You Soon", Key revealed, "I remember that because I always say it when I make things about Indonesia, 'See You Soon, this is Key'."

"Thank you for your support and love, and thank you very much to the staff, and also to the band members. I always love you, equally. Thank you," he said before ending the concert with the song Gasoline.

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