Girls' Generation's Taeyeon recently appeared as a guest star on YouTube channel 117 through content titled 'Making a Meal and Eat Dessert with Taeyeon, Ep.18 Tayeon's Episode'. On that occasion, Taeyeon discussed her latest solo song titled 'Heaven' which was just released on July 8, 2024.

Quoted from Allkpop on Saturday July 20, 2024, Taeyeon specifically explained the meaning behind the song 'Heaven' by saying that everyone has a moment that feels like being in heaven. "Everyone has moments like being in heaven. 

For example, enjoying a beer at home after work or sharing a meal with a loved one. I wanted to express the joy of those moments in a song," Taeyeon said. Taeyeon also said that people will understand the meaning of the song better after watching the music video. 

However, the host, Dex, thought the song was about a couple breaking up after watching the video teaser. Taeyeon responded to Dex's answer by explaining that in the music video for the song 'Heaven' she played a woman who was a little crazy. She chased after the man she liked, but when she got bored with him, she left him. 

Talking about men, Taeyeon is also not free from questions about what type of man can attract her attention. Responding to this, Taeyeon said that she likes a man who is gentle, kind, careful, and prioritizes her. "My ideal type is someone who is kind and gentle, even in the smallest things, such as their attitude and the way they talk. 

I believe that many things can be covered by being kind. I also like someone who can teach me lessons," Taeyeon said about her ideal type. Not stopping there, Dex also asked if there were other criteria that Taeyeon wanted besides a man with a kind and gentle attitude. Taeyeon then answered it with someone who prioritizes her. 

Because according to her, many men do not prioritize their lovers because they are too busy with work or other things. Meanwhile, for the physical category, Taeyeon said she likes men who have strong and broad shoulders, attractive eyes and eyebrows, and a charming smile.

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