Jung Hae In shared his most memorable moments while attending the Cannes Film Festival last May for his new film 'I, The Executioner: A Veteran Story'. At that time, Jung Hae In became a hot topic among the staff for bringing his mother to the festival despite his busy schedule. 

The staff also talked about how the actor always takes good care of his mother. When asked about his feelings while visiting the Cannes Film Festival with his mother in a recent interview, Jung Hae In laughed and said, “Actually, there’s a long story behind that.”

He continued, "When I briefly mentioned the Cannes Film Festival, my mom said, 'I want to go,' and at first, I said, 'Then let's go together.'" "However, thinking about the people who would worry about my mother, I changed my mind and decided to go alone, but in the end, I went with her."

Jung Hae In laughed and said, “I think I was lulled by the fact that I didn’t know when I would go to Cannes again, and even if I did go, my mom might not be in good health.” He added, "In hindsight, I think it was the best thing I did as an actor." Jung Hae In shared that his mother shed tears after watching the film in Cannes. 

He said, "Over a thousand people stood and applauded in Cannes, but she was the only one sitting down. Her legs couldn't take it anymore." She continued, "Mom was crying behind me, and I remember turning away because I felt like I was going to cry too. She told me that I had worked hard and that she was proud."

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